
Peace in the Darkness

   The wind was making the chill in the night air feel 10 degrees colder. As I near the gate I hear hoofbeats in the distance. Then a soft nicker bids me hello followed by shrill whinny further out. Bella takes her time getting to the gate in a slow trod made by giants. Before she is halfway there Fierce Advocate thunders past her and skids to a halt, missing the gate by inches! Moments later she joins him and in the dark I could see the steam rise through the air and curl with a life all it's own. Their eyes are large and their coats are thick with Winter fuzz. I slide through the fence and talk to them in a quiet tone, rubbing first one then the other.I wrap my arms around Bella's neck and bury my face in her warmth. The smell of them soothing to me. Fierce Advocate is getting pushy wanting the spot light on himself. Even though he is fresh off the racetrack he is very loving and personal. He never shies away and is tolerant of way more than I thought he would be. I know no greater peace than what I feel when I'm in the company of these gentle and amazing creatures.

"He was a beautiful black leggy beast with a heart of gold, and hooves of steel. I remember the feel of his powerful body flying along; barely touching the earth as the sand flew up around us. I can still feel the lash of his mane against my face and smell the heat of his body as we circled that track, racing the wind and ourselves. Sheer exhilaration coursed through my body every time we set foot on the track, and after a workout I would leap to my own feet, standing on legs that seemed somehow inadequate in comparison to the absolute power of the graceful animal beside me."